Tuesday, December 4, 2012

101 things to do with an exercise bike

 Ok so I bought myself an exercise bike last week. And I must admit ate fish & chips whilst watching my other half put it together (we wont mention the beer LOL). But its ready to go now ......... only problem is I am not.

5 days later the only job it has done is gather dust. Why??? because I am FULL of excuses. Too tired, too busy, too... (insert pathetic reason)...... My partner just looks at me and shakes his head, my kids see it as an oppertunity for yet another thing they can climb all over.

I bought it as working long hours, going or a walk after work was no longer an option. I bought it because I wanted a way to continue my weight loss. I bought it to improve my cardiovascular function.  But somehow those mind "demons" have yet again entered my head and its almost like at some deep level I am still telling myself "I am not worth it".

Sigh, I can understand why so many people are overweight. Its not the food/exercise thing - its the mind games that are just so hard to overcome.