Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The wall.......................

Its Thursday of week 2................. and I have hit the wall. All my motivation of last month as disappeared like my partner, though at least I know he will be back early March LOL. Same cant be said for my motivation (sigh)

There are so many mental "blocks" at the moment, from the lack of time (being a single parent trying to juggle a demanding job, 2 kids, a farm.... blah blah blah), to the recent hot hot weather (err its too hot to exercise), to just being plain exhausted (thanks insomnia). Yes I know, the excuses list has grown ten fold. Plus its that time of the month. At least the cat understands.

I know that this "mood" is purely hormonal, and by Monday I will be in a better mental place. But its just so frustrating. At least I am not raiding the fridge like I usually do - Michelle made me throw out all my comfort food when I organised my kitchen a few weeks ago, so I may still have a chance to loose weight this week.