Friday, January 4, 2013

New body under construction

Ok have just signed up for another round of the 12 wbt program. So hopefully no new jobs to learn (at work), house reno's are now under control, and financially things are a little easier than round 3 last year. And to also help, this time the other half is doing it with me.

So we are back in warm up season with pre-season starting on the 14th Jan (my 1st day back at work after my 1 weeks annual leave). As we were a little late starting, we have missed the first 3 weeks goals, but better late than never - these are mine.

Week 1 - Make one small change.
This one, I chose to look at my portion control. And to help, I splurrged on a new plate and small bowl. The plate I got out my ceramic paints and divided it up - 1/2 for vegies (or salad), 1/4 for meat, 1/4 for carbs and fats (such as potatos, etc). Note the "fat" bit is not a 1/4 but to allow for such things as lite sour cream on the baked potato sitting in this section.

Week2 - Halve your non water intake.
Now this was tough as I am a mad coffee drinker (and I cant stand water). So I compromised. When in Melbourne the other day I took a detour into T2 - the tea place, and bought myself some red/green & vanilla tea, along with some loose Chia. So effectively I have halved my coffee intake (I dont drink softdrink, and rarely drink juice). I have also started carrying a water bottle around with me at work, and although its only 750mls, I push myself to at least drink this. Its a start - baby steps.

Week 3 - Set yourself an exercise goal
Now this one is tricky as the exercise goal was to do 30km of exercise over the week - and with only 2 days left - well............ like I said tricky. But my partner & I did start the week with a 5km walk so this is a positive thing. Unfortunately the weather (extremely hot) and a heavy workload for both of us at work, has not helped. But I am now on annual leave for 1 week, so the 30km is targetted for next week.

So bring on week 4. Looking forward to it.

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