Friday, September 14, 2012

How is your health - really????

Hows your health???  Have you ever really thought seriously about this question??? 
Now as a health professional, you would think I would be able to honestly answer these questions, but it appears I am like most people, and haven't really thought about it.......until now.
I had my wake up call the other day. I was teaching a group of 1st year nursing students the fine art of how to take a blood pressure, and of course let them use me as their guinea pig. Cut a long story short, I have high blood pressure. And probably high cholesterol (since I have xanthomas in my eyes). OMG - I am at risk of cardiovascular disease!!!!!! I am 44 years old, and it appears that I am no longer immortal.

You know the small changes such as exercising regularly and watching what you eat,................ sounds easy right!!! So why dont we make sure we book that pap smear, take those multi-vitamins / calcium supplements, throw those ciggies away.... why dont we look after ourselves better???

In my humble experience, we take our good health for granted, and it is only when a person has an adverse event, that we think about making those changes. But prevention is better than cure, and in some instances we do not get a second chance to make those changes.

So today, along with my commitment to the 12wbt program, I pledge to make my health a priority. How about you???

1 comment:

  1. arr, yeah. that's not a great moment, the ol teach the students what risk factors look like on a real person trick.
    But here you are, making it right by choosing this path. And that's a great thing.
    Me? Run run run, and fix the parallel mental/physical health roads at the same time.
    Keep going deb. The only way is up, or down for your hypertension. :)
